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Extreme Sports Channel expands coverage in Sweden by 245,000 households


UPC Sweden launches youth sports channel

Extreme Sports Channel, the world's first adventure and adrenaline sports service, is available on the UPC Sweden network from May 1st. UPCtv announced today that it has signed an agreement with UPC Sverige to distribute Extreme Sports Channel in the city of Stockholm. The channel is part of the basic tier and reaches well over 245,000 connected households in the city of Stockholm and environs. UPC Sverige is the new name for Stj"rnTV, the broadband network using fibre and coaxial cabling to offer highspeed Internet access, television services and later this year also telephony services.

This continues UPCtv's policy of rolling out its channels across Europe. Stephen Cohen, Chief Operating Officer of UPCtv, commented: "We are delighted Extreme Sports Channel is now available on UPC Sverige in addition to our distribution via the com hem digital platform on the Telia cable networks in the country. I am sure that UPC Sverige will prove an excellent platform for introducing this exciting sports- and lifestyle channel to viewers in the greater Stockholm area."

Extreme Sports Channel, a joint venture with Extreme Group, is the world's first television channel dedicated to extreme sports and lifestyle offering 24 hours a day non-stop action from surfing to snowboarding, in-line skating and mountain biking. It is a significant addition to the sports choice available on television, offering more than just sport.

For Extreme Group, Managing Director Alistair Gosling said: "We are extremely pleased with the success and popularity of the Channel and very happy that UPC Sverige has joined the growing number of European networks that offer their viewers the best of the best in the world of Extreme Sports."

About Extreme Sports Channel Extreme Sports Channel (a joint venture between Extreme and UPCtv) is a global 24 hour cable and satellite sports network that features programs and live events from the action, adventure and extreme sports genres. Delivered world wide via a network of satellites, initially starting across Europe on May 1st 1999 it is now broadcasting in 9 countries. The channel is a direct challenger for the attention of teenagers. Its 'radical' sports and lifestyle content focuses on snowboarding, surfing, mountain biking and a host of adventure sports that produce incredibly dramatic visuals. 'Sports for the cool by the cool', where fashion and music come head-to-head to provide gripping off-the-wall action. The channel is also cleared for broadband and internet broadcast and is developing this via

UPCtv channel launches May 15, 1999 - Extreme Sports Channel May 26, 1999 - Film1 October 15, 1999 - Club November 5, 1999 - Sport1 December1, 1999 - Reality TV December 8, 1999 - Avante

About UPCtv UPCtv, based in Amsterdam, is the channel creation, marketing and distribution arm of United Pan-Europe Communications (UPC). The overall concept is to create a bouquet of quality special interest channels, to be offered to UPC and non-UPC cable operators throughout Europe. UPCtv is developing cable-friendly channels to enable networks in Europe to offer their subscribers more choice through quality channels at reasonable prices.

In 1999 UPCtv launched six channels, which are distributed in a number of European countries, Extreme Sports Channel (a joint venture with Extreme Group), Film1, Club, Sport1, Avante and Reality TV (a joint venture with Zone Vision). More channels will follow in 2000, including the mind, body and spirit channel Innergy.

About UPC Headquartered in Amsterdam, UPC is one of the most innovative broadband communications companies in Europe and owns and operates the largest pan-European group of broadband communication networks. UPC provides cable television, telephony, high-speed Internet access and programming services in thirteen countries across Europe and in Israel. As of March 31, 2000, on an aggregate basis, the UPC systems passed approximately 10.7 million homes with more than 6.9 million basic cable subscribers. In addition, UPC systems had 226,700 residential telephony lines and 19,500 business telephony lines as well as 130,100 residential Internet subscribers and 3,600 business Internet subscribers. UPC is a consolidated subsidiary of Denver based UnitedGlobalCom Inc. ("United") (NASDAQ: "UCOMA") and Microsoft has an interest of approximately 7.0% in UPC. UPC shares are traded on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange ("UPC") and NASDAQ ("UPCOY").

About Extreme Group (Formerly Extreme Int) The Extreme Group ( is a leading Global integrated extreme sports entertainment company, formed in 1995 with the aim of supplying the world's broadcasters with quality television programming. Today Extreme is a fast growing global media group with significant interests in a global television network, an internet business, broadband channels, content and distribution. Extreme has offices in the UK and USA. The Group currently has 3 divisions, Extreme Sports Channel, and Extreme International.

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